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The Lady's Christmas Proposal (Honorable Rogue Book 3.5) Page 5
The Lady's Christmas Proposal (Honorable Rogue Book 3.5) Read online
Page 5
Over the next two days, all the ladies worried and clung to each other for moral support. At last, Robert returned bringing news. After he entered, he quickly assured Millie, Lady Billingsley, and Mrs. Hawks that Lady Hardesty and Aimee were safe and in good health, and that their husbands had suffered no mishaps.
His eyes shifted to Millie, and the grim expression sent her pulse racing. He approached her and bowed. “May I speak with you in private?”
A sense of doom invaded her, and pinpricks of anxiety spread throughout her body. “As y-you wish, m-my lord.”
Lady Billingsley spoke up. “We will go to Gerrard and let him know his sister has been found and is fine.” The two women rushed from the room, leaving her with Robert.
He placed his hand on the small of her back and guided her to the sofa. “Let us sit while I tell you the rest of my news.”
What could be wrong? Her heart thundered, and she could barely draw in air as she took her seat. “Robert. What else is amiss?”
He took her cold hand in his warm one. “I’m sorry, my dear.” He hesitated, then sighed. “There’s no easy way to tell you this. Your brother was involved in your niece’s abduction. During the mayhem, Lord Melton suffered a heart seizure.” He touched her arm. “He didn’t survive.”
Bile rose in her throat. “W-what did he do?”
Compassion filled his eyes. “He was part of a plot devised by the Marquess of Worthington. From what I gathered, the marquess wanted revenge because your niece married Hardesty. Whether Lord Melton participated because of fear or another reason we will never know, but Lady Hardesty did get to talk to your brother before he died, and the earl expressed remorse concerning his behavior toward her and your nephews.”
Although Theodore was a tyrant, he had been her brother. Sorrow at would could have been if he had been different overtook her and tears filled her eyes. “At least he was able to regret his actions and speak with Mary. While my brother was more than difficult, I never wished his demise. I shall pray for his soul.”
Several tears rolled down her cheeks, and Robert gently wiped them away. “I’m sorry to be the bearer of such dreadful tidings.”
More tears fell, and he pulled her into his arms. She wept bitter tears of regret and relief all at once. Reality finally took hold: her brother could never harm her or the rest of her family again. They were truly free. The burden she’d carried for twenty years lifted from her shoulders. She hiccupped and let out a shaky breath.
Robert cuddled her close, stroking her shoulders. “It’s good to cry it all out. I pray you can move forward and put the past behind you.”
This dear man had no knowledge of the horrible creature she’d been before he met her. He deserved to know, even if it meant he would end his courtship. “I have much to be ashamed of.” She swallowed. “I too treated my niece abominably until recently.”
He lifted her chin. “I can’t imagine you have ever been unkind. If you were, something must have compelled you. What was it?”
Praying she could make him understand, she told him, “When I first came to live with my brother nine years ago, I was excited to at last be back in England after spending eleven years on the Scottish border, and couldn’t wait to meet his children. I found out quickly enough, that any tender emotions I had toward my niece and nephews would bring heartache and pain to them and me.”
His brows drew together. “What did he do?” The horror of that day filled her, and she shivered. Robert stroked her face. “Even though this may be painful to remember, you need to get it out. “Please tell me what he did.”
She buried her face against his broad chest and told him what Theodore had done. “He beat me and told me he had not brought me there to coddle his children, but to spy on them, and if I failed in those duties, not only would he hurt me, he would punish them. After that beating, I had to stay in my bedchamber for five days until the bruising faded.”
He uttered, “If the bastard wasn’t already dead, I’d kill him.”
She pulled on her inner-strength and continued, “From that day forward, I did what he asked of me and never let my niece or nephews know I cared. I became a hardened, miserable woman.”
He stiffened and pulled back so he could see her face. “Surely there must have been some way to show them you cared.”
Desperate to explain, she said, “In the beginning, I thought I could show them affection when he wasn’t around. But, when he noticed they didn’t cower in my presence, he took a strap to all three of them, especially Mary since she tried to protect her brothers. He also beat me severely several times over that first year until I learned to guard my true feelings.”
“What a monster,” he exclaimed. “No wonder you hardened your heart. You did it to protect them, but underneath, I’m sure you hated the way he made you treat them. I’ve seen you with my daughter and those French children. Your loving and gentle way with them is part of what draws me to you.”
Could he truly understand and not hold her abhorrent behavior against her? “I have grown inordinately fond of Aimee and Gerrard. They are such brave children. They truly saved Hardesty. Since I’ve come here and am no longer under my brother’s scrutiny, I can allow my true feelings to show.”
He searched her face, and she tried to emote the remorse she felt in her gaze. At last he said, “It must have been difficult living behind a mask of indifference. Lady Hardesty has obviously forgiven you, because she holds you in high esteem now.”
“She has, but Mary is kind-hearted to a fault.” She sighed. “Although my nephews are following her lead, it’s with great reservation. I pray they can see how I’ve changed, and learn to trust me once more time passes.”
“They’ve only been here a few days, and under stressful circumstances. Now, they must face their father’s death.” He straightened, then released her. “Speaking of your nephews, we must tell them of the earl’s passing right away. Hardesty asked me to escort all of you to your brother’s estate in Banbury. He is bringing the earl there for burial.”
His tone had a slight edge to it. She prayed it wasn’t due to what she’d shared with him. She must gain control so she could face the next few days. She wiped the last tears away and stood. “They’re with the steward, so they should be in his office. We can go to them now.”
He extended his hand, and she took it. “We will talk more later. Once this is behind you,” he murmured, no condemnation in his tone. A glimmer of hope surged through her. Perhaps, he would not turn away from her in disgust as she deserved. Robert was truly an incredible man.
They located her nephews, and Millie told them their father had died. They took it stoically, only nodding before they began pressing Robert for details on Mary’s rescue.
Robert left so he could gather some personal items for their journey to Theodore’s estate, with promises to return within the hour. Her nephews went to pack, and Millie did the same.
When Robert returned with his carriage, they were soon on their way. Since the boys took one bench in the coach, Robert sat beside her.
He regaled the boys with Hardesty’s daring rescue. Her nephews listened in awe when he told them Lord Billingsley had saved the day by bringing down the marquess before he had a chance to kill the viscount.
Since Melton Park was near the border of Oxfordshire in Banbury, the journey only took three hours, and they arrived at dusk. Mary and Hardesty rushed out to greet them.
The housekeeper showed them to their rooms, and when they went to the drawing room for refreshment, Hardesty told them he had arranged for the earl’s burial the following morning.
Robert stayed close by, but they found no opportunity for an intimate conversation. Although his presence was comforting, she longed to know whether he planned to continue his courtship, or whether he would withdraw his suit. His actions toward her were cordial, as they were with the others, but they didn’t give her any indication what he would do when they returned to Wallingford Man
The funeral the next morning went well. Millie was so proud of Ben. Under Hardesty’s tutelage, he would assume his responsibilities for the earldom. His solicitude toward his new tenants was impressive, and he offered assurances to them that he would soon be setting the estate to rights. Fortunately, the steward was a capable man.
They arrived at Hardesty’s estate just as dusk fell. Robert pulled her aside. “We still need to talk, but it’s been an eventful few days. Will you be recovered enough to see me tomorrow afternoon?”
Millie’s hands shook, so she clasped them together. Would tomorrow be when he told her he would no longer court her? “Certainly, Lord Robert. I look forward to it.”
He raised her hand and brushed his lips across it. “Then, I shall take my leave until the morrow.” At least there was gentleness in his touch. Hope surged in her heart at his tender leave taking. Perhaps, he was still interested.
Could God be that good?
* * *
Robert took his time making his way home. He had much to consider. Though he would have never guessed that Millie had ever been anything other than sweet-natured, her revelation had him questioning his decision regarding the courtship. He’d watched her interactions with her niece and her nephews carefully over the past twenty-four hours. Lady Hardesty had clearly forgiven her for her past attitude and abhorrent behavior. By what he’d seen, the young men were less stiff and remote by the time the journey ended.
The Millie he’d grown to care for, showed great solicitude toward everyone she met. It still amazed him that she could have ever acted in such a cold manner toward anyone.
The dowager viscountess clearly held her in high esteem, and the woman was a good judge of character. He would question Millie further tomorrow when he went to call. She’d mentioned living on the Scottish border for many years, so he needed to find out why.
Once he arrived home, he went upstairs and washed away his travel dirt, then went to the schoolroom to bid Melissa a goodnight. She had asked when she would see the French children again, and he’d told her she would see them at the party on Christmas Eve.
After he kissed her sweet-smelling cheek he made his way to his chamber and tumbled into his bed, barely removing his boots. Weary from three days of nearly constant travel, he had no problems falling asleep.
When he arose the next morning, he was delighted to see a break in the weather. Most of the snow from the previous day had melted. Once he was dressed, he went to the breakfast room and ate a huge meal. It was the first opportunity he’d had to sit at a table in three days and indulge.
Once Robert finished eating, he went to his office and met with his steward, so the man could catch him up on anything that occurred during his time away. He spent the rest of the morning going over reports, and he also met with his head groom to discuss a few small issues with one of the stable lads.
After luncheon, he made his way to Wallingford Manor, anxious to see Millie and get some answers to his troubling concerns. When he arrived, a groom took his mount, and after he entered the house, the butler escorted him to the drawing room to wait for Millie.
A few minutes later she appeared, looking lovely, yet pensive. By her woebegone expression, she expected him to end their budding courtship. His heart pinched for her. Although he ached to assure her all would be well, he could not until he learned more.
He stood as she entered. “Good day, Lady Mildred. I trust you have recovered from the stress of the last few days?” He didn’t feel he had the right to use her pet name until he heard what she had to say.
While she smiled, it didn’t reach her troubled gaze. “All is well with me, my lord, and you?”
“All rested.” God, they were acting so formal with each other, no trace of the closeness they’d share before. That wasn’t his intent. He took her hand in his and gently murmured, “Come, let us sit and talk. I have more questions concerning our conversation the other day.”
She took a seat on the sofa, and he joined her. Her hands were tightly clasped in her lap, and her face was paler than usual. “Please, ask whatever you wish. I want you to know everything.”
He steeled his resolve, determined to find out her secrets. “When we talked the other day, you mentioned you spent eleven years in Scotland. May I ask why there instead of with Lord Melton?”
Her eyes filled with tears. “It’s a long story. I went there to live with my maiden aunt after…I was embroiled in a scandal…” Her voice trailed off.
He drew in a breath to calm the tumult raging in him. Her explanation could change his plans to take her to wife. “What caused the scandal?”
“During my come-out…” she hesitated, clearly finding it difficult to speak, “a young man flattered me and convinced me he had fallen in love with me. He was friends with my brother and was from a respectable family. Of course, I was overjoyed by his attention.” She lowered her head and several tears fell.
He gently touched her hands; they were icy. “I take it something went amiss?”
“The gentleman asked me to take some air at a ball we were attending, and I agreed.” She gripped her hands even tighter; to the point that her knuckles turned white. “We went into the garden, and once we were out of sight of anyone,” her pained expression tore at his soul, “he grabbed me and started kissing me roughly. I struggled, but to no avail.”
She swallowed a sob; unable to keep himself from comforting her any longer, he pulled her into his arms. “Then what happened?”
“Before I could get away, my brother and several of his cronies appeared.” Millie took a shuddering breath, and he stroked her back, waiting for her to continue. “My brother c-called me a slut. He grabbed my hand and pulled me through the throng of people. By this time others had come outside. He berated me the whole way through the ballroom and out to our carriage.”
He refrained from swearing and kept his voice soothing. “I’m sorry you went through such a distasteful ordeal. What happened after that?”
“The next day, the scandal sheets were filled with my disgrace. My brother packed me off to Scotland. I was cut off from everyone. All my correspondence was scrutinized by my aunt. I never heard from my brother until he ordered my return nine years ago.” She buried her head against him. “You know the rest.”
Devil’s teeth! Millie had done no wrong. First, she’d suffered banishment, and then abuse for twenty years. No wonder she’d bowed down to the earl. At least the scandal hadn’t affected her when she returned to London. After all, it had happened long ago.
Thank God, the man could never harm her again. He gently raised her chin. “You did what you thought was necessary to protect yourself, and your niece and nephews. I respect your courage. You didn’t have to tell me about your past behavior toward them, but you did. This only increases my determination to court you.”
Hope shone in her bright blue eyes. “I’m not brave, but I’m relieved you see me as such, and thrilled you can look past my previous bad behavior. Thank you.”
He slowly lowered his mouth to hers, capturing her lips in a deep kiss. Her response was all he could have hoped for. Losing control, he ravaged her mouth. His hand roamed to her plump breasts, and she moaned. Throwing caution to the wind, he slid his shaking hand under her fichu. The feel of her soft skin drove his desire to fever-pitch.
Embracing the moment, he slid his hand lower and found her hard nipple, begging for attention. He rolled it between his thumb and forefinger, and she groaned. Taking that for consent, he trailed a string of kisses from her mouth to her ear and nibbled on her dainty lobe. Her rosewater scent made him light-headed and spiked his lust higher still.
He reached lower and gathered her skirt, pulling it up until he could access her womanly folds. With tender care, he stroked the bud of her sex, and she gasped.
“What are you doing?” she exclaimed, her tone filled with astonishment as she tried to push him away.
“Trust me,” he murmured. “I promise you’ll enjoy thi
s.” Her small white teeth bit her plump lower lip, but then she relaxed and settled against the cushions, curiosity winning over embarrassment.
Dropping to the floor, he buried his face between her splayed thighs. Inhaling her sweet essence, he flicked his tongue across the turgid nubbin.
She stiffened, and attempted to stop him again, but he murmured sweet words and continued to sooth her as he laved and sucked. Soon, he had her too mindless to worry.
Her thighs trembled under his assault. Then she broke apart, letting out a squeak before melting against the sofa cushions. He crawled beside her, pulling her as close as humanly possible and kissed her temple.
“What…what was that?” she asked with awe in her voice. Her heightened color told the story of her first taste of ecstasy.
“I take it you enjoyed that?” he asked, barely controlling the urge to crow. He felt like a green lad accomplishing the feat of bringing a woman to climax for the first time.
“It was beyond wonderful,” she breathily replied.
“That, my dear, dear, Millie,” he told her, “is only a small taste of passion, but that is enough for today, I think.”
She released a sated sigh. “If it felt any better, I would surely expire.”
“Glad you enjoyed my ministrations,” he chuckled, as he lowered her skirts and adjusted her fichu. “There. All put to rights.”
She straightened and patted her hair. “Goodness, I must look a fright.”
“You’re glowing and look beautiful.” He stroked her cheek. “I love your passion. That was missing completely in my marriage to my late wife. She was frigid and denied me her bed once Melissa was born. With you, it’s so strong, we become combustible when we’re together.” Releasing her, he asked, “Is Hardesty here? I must speak to him.”
She looked askance at his swift change of topic, but answered, “He’s at the village church helping Mary. I’m not sure when they will return.” Her eyes widened, clearly curious. “May I ask why you need to see him?”