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The Lady's Christmas Proposal (Honorable Rogue Book 3.5) Page 7

  Her heart dropped to her toes. He spoke of affection, but did he love her? Although she loved him desperately, she wanted it all. She’d dreamed of a man who could love her with his whole heart. Could she accept without having it? A tear slipped down her cheek.

  He rose and wiped the tear away, his face somber. “I had hoped you would be happy. I’ve rushed you, have I not? I’m sorry, but I…I’ve fallen in love with you—”

  She threw herself against him, almost knocking him over. “Oh, Robert, I love you too.”

  “Then why the tears?” he asked, confusion coloring his tone.

  She blinked another tear away. “I love your daughter, but I feared you only wanted me to be a mother for Melissa.”

  “While that may be what I intended in the beginning, you quickly stole my heart.” He raised her chin. “Now that we have that cleared up, will you please agree to marry me?”

  “Yes, oh yes.” He pulled her close and kissed all her fears went away as she eagerly returned his embrace.

  Scooping her up, he carried her to the sofa, then sat with her in his arms. Using tongue and teeth, he ravished her mouth. Blazing passion swept through her as their desire for one another reached fever pitch.

  A few moments later, he groaned. “I hope you don’t want a long engagement. I want to wed immediately. I can obtain a license from the rector tomorrow instead of taking two weeks to read the bands. Will you consider marrying me on twelfth night?”

  “Twelfth night will be perfect.” He pulled her close and kissed her again. His slow, long, sensual kisses had her head spinning.

  At last, they came up for air. “Ah, my love. I cannot wait for you to be mine.” He grinned at her. “Shall we make an announcement tonight, or wait and tell your family tomorrow?”

  Joy filled her soul. “Let’s tell them tonight. I’m too excited to wait a minute longer.”

  He chuckled. “By all means, we shall tell them immediately.” After she jumped from his lap, he stood and offered her his arm, then led her to the ballroom.

  Once Robert made their announcement, Millie couldn’t stop smiling as her family and new friends gathered around them offering their congratulations. They spent the rest of the evening dancing in each other’s arms—when they weren’t kissing under the mistletoe. As the night drew to a close, and Robert held her one last time, she smiled and thanked God for bringing him into her life.

  Last fall, she’d been a bitter woman, finding fault with everything. The best thing that ever happened to her was when her brother abandoned her, telling Mary and Cortland he no longer needed her in his home, and said good riddance before walking out.

  Now, she had the love of a good and honorable man, her family had forgiven her, and she would have an adorable step-daughter. Joy filled her heart as she gazed into the eyes of the man she loved.

  Life…had become richer and more fulfilling…than she could have ever imagined.


  Twelfth Night

  On the morning of the fifth of January, Millie bounced out of bed, anxious to prepare for her wedding. After ringing for her maid, she dashed to the curtains and pulled them open. A cloudless sky greeted her. Although some snow still remained, it looked like it would be sunny, unusual for that time of year. God must be shining on her special day.

  After a tap at the door, her maid bustled in with her breakfast. While Millie sipped hot chocolate, and nibbled on a piece of buttered toast, Susie prepared her bath. Her gaze fell upon her wedding gown, and a happy sigh escaped from her.

  The village dressmaker had created a work of art—just for her. The deep lavender, taffeta gown had flounces gathered up with tiny bows of the same material. It had puffed sleeves, and white lace trimmed the bodice, perfect for a morning wedding. She couldn’t wait to walk down the aisle in it.

  Once she finished her bath and donned her undergarments, Susie helped her slip her gown on and laced it up. When she turned to look at her reflection in the pier glass, another knock echoed through the room. In walked Mary and Marjorie, each of them beaming.

  Mary stepped forward and gave her a hug. “The gown is even prettier than I thought. The lavender goes exceedingly well with your auburn hair. I’m so happy for you, Aunt Millie.”

  “Thank you, Mary.” She smiled, unable to contain her joy at her niece’s generosity of spirit. “How can I ever thank you and your dear husband? I owe both of you so much.”

  “Let the past stay in the past,” she countered. “From now on, you’ll only experience happiness. You’re marrying a fine gentleman. And, you’ll live close by.”

  Millie dabbed at her eyes. “Thank you, Mary. I’m pleased we’ve grown close. I treasure our time together. Thank goodness Kathleen helped you when I couldn’t. Without her intervention, you would never have met Cortland, and I would not have met Robert.”

  Mary bestowed one of her sweet smiles and gave her another quick hug. “Dry those tears. Now, let’s finish getting you ready.”

  Mary placed the white tulle veil over her head. “You look radiant. I wish you many years of happiness with your future husband.”

  “Me, too,” Marjorie chimed in. “Although I shall miss you terribly, I’m thrilled for you. I’ve known Lord Robert since he was in short pants, and a finer man cannot be found.”

  At the mention of her soon-to-be-husband, her heart skipped a beat. “I can’t wait to become his bride.”

  “Goodness, look at the time,” Mary pointed at the clock on the mantel, “we must leave.”

  Millie clapped her hands against her cheeks, as the thrill of anticipation flooded her system. “Oh my, I’m getting married…today!”

  Marjorie hugged her. “Come, my friend, let’s get you to the church on time.”

  Twenty minutes later, she walked up the aisle on Cortland’s arm. Robert stood at the altar with a smile on his handsome face. She moved beside him, and the rector began the ceremony.

  When she recited her vows, her voice came out steady. She had no doubts. They would have a loving marriage. Over the last twelve days, they’d spent every waking moment together. Not only did she love him, she’d found her soulmate.

  The priest blessed them and said, “You may kiss your bride.”

  Robert lifted her veil. He leaned in and tenderly touched his lips to hers. It was a kiss of wonder and reverence. She would love this man until she drew her last breath. Once they turned to face their guests, she asked Melissa to come forward.

  The child did, and Millie knelt in from of her, taking her small hand. “I take you for my daughter. I promise to always love you and care for you. I will always be there for you as you become a lovely young woman. Will you accept me as your step-mama?”

  Melissa beamed. “I will.” Then she threw herself into her arms.

  After Robert helped Millie stand, he raised her chin. “Thank you, my love. You’ve made me the happiest man alive.” Then he kissed her again, and the guests cheered. With Melissa between them, they ran through the throng of well-wishers and climbed into the carriage that would take them to Wallingford Manor for the wedding breakfast.

  For the next three hours, they laughed and danced. They held hands and talked to their families. At last, it was time for their departure. Mary and Cortland were keeping Melissa, so they could have a week alone.

  As they pulled away from the manor, their friends and family waved them off. Once the carriage drove through the gates of Cortland’s estate, Robert pulled her into his arms. “Are you happy, my love?”

  She stroked his jaw. “Overjoyed. This is the best day of my life.”

  He pulled her close. “I promise to make all your days as satisfying, and tonight…when we join our bodies and become one, I will take you to the stars.”

  She giggled. “I’m counting on it.”

  * * *

  When they arrived at his house, his housekeeper offered to show his bride to her rooms, but Robert said he would. Millie appeared relaxed as he led her upstairs. His house wasn’t
large; he hoped she wasn’t disappointed. Of course, she’d visited before, when she came to see his conservatory, however, they’d never gone upstairs.

  When they entered their apartment, he turned to her. “My house doesn’t have adjoining bedchambers. I do have a spacious dressing room with a cot though. I can sleep in there, if you prefer?”

  He held his breath while he waited for her answer. He prayed she would want to spend every night in his arms. She lowered her lashes. “That shan’t be necessary. I’m glad we’re sharing.”

  Stepping forward, he pulled her close and kissed her brow. “Oh, Millie. God, I love you. I promise to make you happy. Now, shall I leave you, so you can dress for dinner? We keep country hours, so we normally eat at six. We can change that in the future, if you want?”

  “Six is fine. And, there’s no need to change the dinner hour.” Her cheeks flushed. “I suppose I shall see you in a bit.”

  “Excellent. I shall return shortly before six and escort you to dinner.” He gently kissed her cheek then released her and stepped away, leaving through his dressing room, which also had a door leading to the hall.

  By the time he reached his study, he was shaking. Deuce take it. What an embarrassing moment. He should have told her they would share a bedchamber. While she told him she was glad they would, it didn’t give her much privacy. At least there was a modest ladies dressing area and a bathing room.

  He went to his desk, poured a glass of brandy and dropped into his chair. He wanted their first night to be perfect. What could he do to make it special for her? A notion took shape, and he rang for his butler.

  Hollings entered and bowed. “You have need of me, sir?”

  “I do, and ask Mrs. Hollings to join us.” The woman was his housekeeper and cook, so he needed her help as well. While he waited for them, he sipped his brandy, mulling over his ideas. When the couple arrived, he told them what he needed.

  Two hours later, he knocked on the door to their bedchamber. It opened at once, and his breath caught in his throat. Millie stood before him in a stunning gold evening gown, which exposed the plump upper part of her breasts. He ached to reach out and touch them, but he needed to wait. If he touched her now, he would ruin his plan.

  “You, my dear, are a vision.” He offered his arm. “Shall we?” When they reached the entryway, he pulled a red silk scarf from his pocket. “I’m blindfolding you, because I have a surprise for you.”

  She looked a trifle concerned, but she tentatively smiled and nodded, giving her consent. Relief swept through him. He was humbled by her trust. He tied the scarf, making sure it covered her eyes.

  Robert placed her small hand on the sleeve of his evening coat. “Now, let me guide you. We’re not going far. The touch of her hand singed him, even through his clothing. When he stepped forward, she clasped his arm tighter, and his loins tightened.

  In a half a dozen steps, they reached their destination. He guided her through the door, and she murmured, “We’re in your conservatory, are we not?”

  “We are. Close your eyes while I remove the blindfold.” He heard her breathing quicken as he slipped it off. “Still have your eyes closed?”

  “I do. When can I open them?” she asked with the eagerness of a child.

  He clasped her hand in his. “Now.”

  She gasped as she took in the sight before her. There were hundreds of candles on every available surface. A white linen-draped table stood in the center, surrounded by potted ferns and his citrus trees, giving the appearance of a lush tropical garden.

  “Robert, oh, it’s simply gorgeous,” she sighed, “and so romantic.” She turned toward him and tears glistened in her bright blue eyes.

  “Oh, no, I didn’t mean to make you cry,” he murmured. Disappointment pulled at him.

  She smiled tremulously and touched his face. “These are happy tears, I promise.”

  “What a relief.” He would never truly understand the fascinating woman at his side, but he would spend every day trying to anticipate her heart’s desire.

  Once she took her seat, she unfolded her napkin and draped it across her lap and sniffed. “Something smells divine, and it’s not the fruit trees.”

  “Mrs. Hollings prepared a special meal for us.” He lifted the silver dome, revealing two Cornish game hens roasted to perfection, creamed spinach, and savory potatoes with onions and mushrooms swimming in butter and spices.

  “It looks delicious.” He filled a plate and set it in front of her, then filled another for himself. Pulling a bottle of champagne from the silver bucket beside the table, he popped the cork and poured wine into two fluted crystal glasses.

  He handed one to her and took the other, then raised his goblet. “To my beautiful bride. May we always be as happy as we are tonight. I love you, my dear, dear, Millie.” He touched the rim of his glass to hers.

  “To us, may we live in joy and harmony,” she whispered.

  For the next hour, they talked and laughed over silly, amusing stories. After they finished the lemon syllabub, he moved to her side and extended his hand. “It’s time to retire.”

  Once she was on her feet, he swept her up and carried her from the conservatory. “Put me down before you strain your back,” she protested.

  “No,” he laughed, “I’m taking you to our marriage bed, quit wiggling.”

  She giggled all the way up the stairs. When they reached the door of their chamber, he gently set her on her feet. “Close your eyes.”

  “Again?” she asked.

  He grinned. “Yes.”

  She huffed playfully, “All right.” He threw open the door, and she stepped inside.

  “Now you can open your eyes.”

  When she saw the candles glowing on the nightstands and the mantel, and rose petals leading to their bed, she sighed. “Oh, Robert. I have no words.”

  He turned her around so she was facing him, and as he’d longed to do when he first saw her in her golden gown, he leaned forward and nuzzled the cleavage between her plump breasts, drawing in the scent of her, a heady mix of woman and rosewater. “Ah, these beauties are better than I remembered. When I touched them before, I was in too big of a rush, overwhelmed by their sheer magnificence. Tonight…I plan to take my time.”

  “You do?” she asked in a wobbly voice, but he could see his need mirrored in hers, so it wasn’t from fear.

  Gently turning her again, he slipped a button free. He bent his head and nibbled his way from one exposed shoulder to the other while he unfastened the next three buttons. Unable to fight the temptation, he licked from the base of her neck to the top of her stays. “This…must come off.”

  Her body trembled as he unlaced the offending garment. Slipping his hands inside her gown and around her waist, he pulled her against him. His hard cock pressed against her bottom. “Feel what you do to me.”

  * * * *

  Millie gasped when she felt his…

  Goodness, what should I call it?

  She knew the technical term, but that didn’t sound right. Whatever it was called, it was made of steel. While her nerves were jumping, and she should be terrified, instead, she was fascinated. She wanted to see it. Dare she ask?

  Before she could act on her naughty thoughts, he spun her around and gave her a toe-curling kiss. She melted into him. He pushed her gown and stays down her hips; they puddled around her feet, leaving her clad in only her shift.

  She felt exposed. She attempted to wrap her arms around her breasts; he wasn’t having any of that. He scooped her up and dropped her on the satin sheets, fell beside her and pulled her against his hard body.

  My word. Training horses had certainly given Robert muscles. No wonder he was able to carry her, even though she was a little plump. How she longed to run her hands across his broad chest and firm stomach. Before she could act on that thought, he kissed her, making her forget anything but his hot mouth on hers. He entwined his tongue with hers as his hands roamed down her chest and reached for the hem of her shift
. “We can do away with this as well.”

  Good Lord.

  He wants me completely naked?

  “Please allow me to keep this on.” Her pulse sped to an alarming pace as fear gripped her. “I don’t want you to see me. I’m too plump.”

  “You are not…you’re voluptuous. I love your curves, and I shall die if I can’t see all of you right now.” He pulled her shift off and tossed it on the Aubusson carpet.

  She rolled away from him so he couldn’t see her tummy and large breasts. A lone tear fell as he pulled her against him. She sniffed. “Ah, my sweet, don’t cry.” He stroked her back, kneading her tense muscles.

  He placed a soft kiss between her shoulder blades and sighed. “I’ll get your shift.”

  He sat up, but before he could get out of bed, she scrambled to him. “Please. I’m sorry. Don’t get it.” She took a deep, calming breath. “You can look, but don’t blame me if you don’t like what you see.”

  She knelt on the bed and dropped her hands to her sides, closed her eyes.

  Oh, please, don’t let him turn away from me.

  Nothing happened. All she could hear was his ragged breathing. Why didn’t he say something?

  “My God, Millie,” he whispered. “You’re a goddess. Don’t think for a minute you’re anything less.”

  She opened her eyes, and the lust in his own, sent a blast of awareness through her. He took his index finger and traced it from the hollow in her throat to her nest of curls. His touch blazed a trail along the path of his finger.

  “Don’t move. I’ll be back.” He crawled off the bed and struggled to get his arms out of his tight-fitting coat. Once he was free, he threw it in the corner.

  Next, he slipped the buttons on his fall free and pushed his pantaloons down his muscular thighs—and what glorious thighs they were—leaving him in his smalls. Next, he yanked his shirt over his head, and it joined his jacket.

  All the air whooshed from her lungs as she got her first look at his bare chest. He had a light dusting of hair between his flat nipples, and a thin line ran downward, dipping below his small clothes. She licked her lips.